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  • dddurbfive

dream 18 mar 2024





.dream: in a building, a soldier with a rifle approaches, i get his rifle, door on right, 

low roofed area, door on left, high roofed area, i go left, flying, holding the rifle, i 

shoot some rounds into the ground, formation of soldiers on the right, 



.a large disc of multi-colored peppers floats by, i grab a blue pepper, enter into a room, 



.wake up in the same room, a snake is in a brown bag, i release the snake through a 

hatch, snake tackles and subdues a guy, i pass through hatch, flying in a house, 

upper floor, large table, opening to lower level, i fly through, 



.on lower level, guy eating breakfast at a table by the entrance to the bathrooms, 

end dream 



.a - me                                b - guy with gun 

c - door to lower roofed area 


d - door to higher roofed area 

e - soldiers in formation 

f - me flying, shoot gun into ground 


g - disc of peppers, i grab a blue one 

h - enter into room           i - same room 

j - snake in brown paper bag 


k - snake subdues guy      l - flying in house 

m - table                           n - opening to lower level 

o - guy eating breakfast at table and entry to bathroom 




.image set below: dream map detail 




.image below: blue pepper and snake from brown bag detail 







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