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dream 18 dec 2023






.dream: an outdoor football prep rally is occurring, guy in football uniform tries to high jump 

over a bar and onto a mat, misses, another football guy tries the high jump, does a 

bit better, end scene, 




.in a university building, front desk, person asks me about grad school, i start to name off 

all the people i went to grad school with, i go back to where a class is in session, i 

want nothing to do with this class, go to exit, odd triple door exit setup, i manage 

to exit building and go outside, 




.outside, running, right turn, a guy behind me kicks a soccer ball at me, some 

arab people up ahead coming towards me, i try and fly up but the environment 

here is different, flying is difficult, 




.a lady is flying and i grab onto her and manage to fly with her, she's basically carrying me 

and we manage to fly up on a roof, then we're in the middle of a study session, 

lady i fly with leaves, art history study session on the right, on the left is 

a magazine article review study session, a lady is writing stuff down, 



.the article was about the internet and traffic and some new kind of internet 

traffic definition or something, end scene, 



.looking at a letter that someone wrote, this letter started a war, on the top it 

reads 'jahoudi shud', which is persian for 'became a jew', it's written in 

german letters, below the writing are images of eagles and tigers, end dream 



.a - football prep rally scene                         b - football guys 

c - high jump and mat                                   d - spectators 


e - front desk area                                          f - grad school class 

g - exit building                                              h - guy with soccer ball 

i - arab people                                                 j - me and lady flying 


k - roof top                                                      l - art history study group 

m - magazine article review study group        n - letter 

o - images of eagles and tigers 





.image below: football prep rally scene detail 





.image below: exiting the university building detail 







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