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  • dddurbfive

dream 17 sep 2023


. .dream:

. in a classroom, class is over, see i guy i know (b.g) over in the corner, i go over and

start to talk to b.g, tell him that it was twenty years ago that we joined the navy, i ask

b.g if he retired from the navy and if he served on aircraft carriers,




.b.g says that he retired and for the last few years he was doing two years on a carrier and

then two years off, b.g gets up and walks away, seems to be cleaning time in the classroom,




.i get up and go over to my locker basket, try to open lock, wrong combo, try again, lock

opens and lock breaks, end scene,




.on the outside wooden porch from house from high school, a group of people are walking around,

seems to be some kind of open house and these people are looking to perhaps buy the house,




.there's a funny light weight feeling in the air, seems like a bunch of insect repellant was sprayed,

one of the guys in the group falls down off the porch in a pile of dirt, another guy helps

him up, these guys may be from germany, end scene,



.tall tree, metal street sign, i'm leaning back,

end dream




.a - classroom b - guy, b.g

c - me d - instructors behind desk

e - my locker basket f - broken lock

g - wooden porch h - side of house


i - bench j - insect repellant

k - group of people l - guy falls down

m - tree n - metal street sign

o - me





.image below: broken lock detail






.image below: open house on wooden porch scene detail







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