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  • dddurbfive

dream 17 may 2024





.dream: push ups, ropes on wall, pull ups, end scene, 



.in a lady's apartment, looking at computer, program is like google street view 

but you can see into people's apartments, she rubs my back, end scene, 



.kid on skateboard, i push him to his mom, end scene, 



.bowling lanes set up in my apartment from high school, a guy 

is bowling, end dream 



.a - me                             b - guy, possibly a dog 

c - ropes on wall             d - me


e - lady                            f - computer 

g - apartment program 

h - kid on skateboard 


i - me                                j - kid's mom 

k - bowling lanes in apartment 

l - guy 

m - windows 




.image below: ropes scene and computer scene




.image below: kid on skateboard 




.image below: bowling scene 







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