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  • dddurbfive

dream 17 mar 2024





.dream: on a high metal grate platform, stairs going down now, turning to the right, 

going down stairs, large group of people in front of me, i start to sing cadence 

'... and if my chute don't open wide ...', people in front of me repeating cadence, 



.at bottom now, lots of seagulls, lead seagull is from new york city, end scene, 



.walking down narrow hallway, submarine offices on right, enter a sub, tight 

quarters, s.t, he's not too happy to see me, i didn't do well on the last underway, 



.walking down berthing, c.t and other crew member on other side of a bed, i 

tell them i wasn't sleeping well last underway, forgot my locker combo and 

couldn't take a shower thus again couldn't sleep, 



.i notice c.t and other guy have different eyes, gold at bottom, blue at 

top, i break open my combo lock, end dream 



.a - me on metal grate platform 

b - metal grate stair well shaft down 

c - going down stairs, turning right, singing cadence 


d - people in front of me repeating cadence 

e - writing notes                             f - narrow hallway 

g - submarine offices                      h - submarine berthing 


i - c.t and other crew member 

j - lockers                                         k - shampoo and shower stuff 

l - to showers 




.image below: cadence and submarine dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: going down stairwell detail 





.image below: breaking open combo lock detail 







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