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dream 17 jan 2024





.dream: in a classroom, acting as teacher, i put up the answers to the homework on 

the board so the kids can check their answers, put a chair by the front of the room, 

a kid gets up to sit in the chair, end scene, 




.in a parking lot by my car, going through my stuff, cell phone, calculator, computer, 

number on calculator is thirteen, i put calculator in plastic bag, put it with computer, 

to over to a side area, 



.guy sitting on a ledge, he starts talking to me, says he used to be a seahawk, i look 

down below, wet ground, large plants except for one dry area with a cactus, 



.the guy mentions RB, then says maybe he shouldn't have said that around me, i 

tell him we all have our own particular comfort zones, remember my car, go 

back to parking lot, car is gone, stolen, 



.motorcycle, people under canopy, i ask about my car, they don't seem to know, 

end dream 



.a - me in class                             b - chair by board 

c - kid goes over to chair              d - me and car 


e - store                                          f - seahawks guy 

g - me and small rock                    h - people under canopy 




.image below: calculator in plastic bag detail 







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