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  • dddurbfive

dream 17 dec 2023






.dream: walking fast, possibly on a submarine, chief of the boat is following me, 

asks me where the trash can is, i tell him i don't know, want to get away from him, 

go through a square hole in the wall, end scene, 



.in a dark naval room, jump up onto a platform, command and control area, 

two people on platform with me, i'm looking at a screen, lady next to me, 

scenes from a navy surface ship, 



.<<begin sexual content warning>>


.a naked guy is sitting down, two naked women, one lady is sitting behind the guy, 

supporting his back, the other naked lady crawls on the ground between the guy's 

legs and starts sucking on his hard dick, 


.guy ejaculates all over the lady's face, then he starts to finger paint with the cum on 

her forehead, the guy is finger painting with the cum on her forehead for a really 

long time, 'boring' i say, image shifts to another sex scene, 


.end scene, 

.<<end sexual content warning>>,

.end dream 



.a - chief of the boat following me 

b - hole in wall                                 c - command and control platform area 


d - i jump up on platform                 e - me looking at screen 

f - guy and two women 





.image below: command and control platform area scene detail 







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