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  • dddurbfive

dream 16 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in a cafeteria, have my skateboard with me, long table, i'm about to put my

skateboard up on the table at an empty spot, i'll only do this because i know the

guy who sits there, guy i met in new mexico, end scene,



.enter into a bathroom, standing water everywhere, someone took a shower and none of

the water drained, several orange peels in middle of floor, i go over to the windows, open

two of them, go over to hot tub, pushing water out from the hot tub and down into the

lower drain area, water starts to drain,



.some guy enters bathroom, now the water has all drained, i can take a shower now,

go over to shut main door, a cleaning lady is in the other room, she's operating a

vacuum, suction at the door, my hand sticks on door frame for a while due to the

suction from the vacuum cleaner in the other room,



.i shut the door, glass, cleaning lady can see me, i'd like to take a shower,

end dream



.a - me with skateboard b - guy at long table

c - bathroom d - door


e - orange peels f - low drain area

g - hot tub h - shower


i - windows j - me

k - some guy l - cleaning lady with with vacuum

m - carpet




.image below: standing water in bathroom scene, alternate scale representation





.image below: orange peels and bathroom detail







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