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  • dddurbfive

dream 16 dec 2023






.dream: on a high platform in the forest, a crow keeps flying back and forth above my 

head, tree, two cats in tree, lots of squirrels, end scene, 



.<<begin sexual content advisory>>



.a group of muscular naked university rowing team men climb up on a high concrete 

ledge, one guy has a boner, the other guys jerk him off until he cums, end scene, 



.<<end sexual content advisory>>



.possibly on a beach, near a cave, a guy gets handed a snack box with pepperoni pizza, 

guy is so tired that he puts his head on the pizza and smashes it, guy then eats some 

smashed pizza, i get full, 



.now i'm looking at a snack box with pepperoni pizza eat a slice, end scene, 



.in a tv room cave with several other people, someone tells me that lady (e.w) doesn't 

have a boyfriend anymore, i mention that i have a girlfriend, another lady (b.s) comes 

over and sits by me, end dream 



.a - me on high platform in forest 

b - crow                                 c - tree with cats and squirrels 

d - group of university rowing men 


e - guy with boner on high ledge 

f - guy with his head in pizza snack box 


g - pizza snack box                 h - cave like tv room 

i - me                                       j - e.w and people 

k - b.s 





.image below: tree with cats and squirrels detail 





.image below: snack box with pepperoni pizza detail 







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