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dream 15 mar 2024





.dream: running up a hill, carrying a skateboard, temple type area on left, two 

zen monks are sweeping wet concrete, i don't turn left here, these guys are 

busy, coming to top of hill, turn left, end scene, 



.unknown scene, cannot process events, end scene, 



.in mother's bedroom, i may have just got done grocery shopping, lots of receipts on floor, 

i'm writing some kind of grad school application in red ink on the receipts, notebooks in 

room but i continue to write on the receipts, 



.i had some kind of electrical circuitry math idea, i drew the circuit diagram when i 

was in a particular state of mind, not in that state of mind now, i start 

writing some math idea something, not well formulated, 



.for a given e.i, there is a prime number p.i such that ... relates to the electrical circuit, ... , whatever, 



.apparently some scientists are interested in this idea, may have applications to 

other fields,


.there's another long shopping receipt not unfolded yet, the two long edges are folded in towards the middle all the way down, i run the thumb of my

right hand down the receipt and open it up, lots of room to write now,


.end dream 




.a - running up a hill                        b - carrying a skateboard 

c - wet concrete                               d - zen monks sweeping 


e - left turn                                       f - unknown events, cannot process 

g - mother's bedroom                       h - me writing on shopping receipts 




.image below: zen monks sweeping wet concrete detail 




.image set below: electrical circuit schematic (red, top left),

long shopping receipt i unfolded (bottom right, black) and math idea detail 







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