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  • dddurbfive

dream 15 dec 2023






.dream: in my apartment building, moving to a new apartment across the hall, put 

down a comic book in new place, apartment manager lady is in the hall, 

take the elevator going down, end scene, 




.outside, enter into a train tunnel, train coming at me, i move over to the left, 

train passing by, i keep walking, in a building now, dark room on the left, 

friend's sisters m.s and a.s come out from room, 



.guy in room on right, lady in room on left, i enter into the left room where lady is, 




.<<begin sexual content advisory>>



.lady says she's about to do some stretching, i lie her down for sex, 'already' she says, 

she's wearing a huge sheet wrapped around her lower body, i pull up the sheet and 

start to undo it, 



.i undo the sheet revealing a massive cavernous vagina, a vagina so big and gaping that a 

man could crawl inside and take a nap, 'come on in' she says, i penetrate deep into 

her valley and ejaculate shortly thereafter, 


.end scene, 

.<<end sexual content advisory>>,

.end dream 



.a - old apartment                         b - hallway 

c - new apartment                         d - manager lady 


e - elevator down                           f - train in tunnel 

g - side room with m.s and a.s       h - guy 

i - me and lady 





.image below: train tunnel dream, alternate scale representation 





.image below: train tunnel detail 







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