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dream 14 sep 2023





.standing outside a shopping mall, standing with an older guy, looking down a city sidewalk

with some shops on the left, a guy on roller skates rolls down the sidewalk, as the

guy rolls by he shoots up a kind of fireworks shot,



.i mention the fireworks shot that the roller skate guy shot up to the old guy standing next to me,

the old guy can now verify his position and we both walk through a brown wooden doorway,

end dream





.a - me b - older guy

c - doorway d - sidewalk down hill

e - store fronts f - guy on roller skates

g - fireworks shot






.about to go to bed, would like a snack before sleeping, enter into a convenience store

from a house, guy behind counter, i grab a meat snack, eight dollars, grab an orange juice

from the cooler in back, eight dollars as well, go up to counter,



.grab a banana, two dollars, all together it should be around eighteen dollars, the guy

rings up all the items and says eight dollars but the register reads out eighty nine dollars,



.i take out my wallet, lots of one dollar bills, i start to hand the guy money, some of the bills

are european euros, guy says he doesn't accept euros, lots of money on counter,

guy leaves, guy has his hat on counter, in hat are a five and a one dollar bill,

i put in another one into the hat, guy comes back into store,

end dream



.a - convenience store b - guy behind counter

c - meat snacks d - beverage cooler

e - bananas on counter f - money

g - guy's hat h - dark outside




.image below: numbers, meat snack, orange juice and banana detail






.image below: hat and money detail







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