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  • dddurbfive

dream 14 nov 2023




. .

.dream: in a cafeteria, getting food, two women serve me at food line, apple candy bar, something

else, they say the ice cream is in the back, go to table, eat, clear plastic on table separates me

from janitor lady and garbage can,



.some guy is talking about a girl, i keep eating, finish, a bunch of people in the cafeteria

disappear, i drink two small cartons of milk,

guy across from me didn't eat his blueberry muffin, i just might eat it,

end dream



.a - cafeteria b - two women serving food

c - ice cream freezer d - me at table


e - clear plastic f - janitor lady and trash can

g - some guy h - lots of people disappear

i - left over blueberry muffin




.image below: janitor lady and trash can on my right detail





.image below: two small cartons of milk detail







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