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  • dddurbfive

dream 14 jan 2024





.dream: a guy who has taken a lot of power has some of it taken away, now he 

thinks he shouldn't have been so power greedy, end scene, 



.a fat guy is throwing stuff in a trash can outside, he's drinking from a brandy glass, 

he goes over by the side of a house, 

sits down in some grey mud, an overturned bench is right next to him, end scene, 



.at a concrete skatepark, some kids skating, a kid is lying down on top of a ramp, 

needs money, i'll give him some, take out all my bills, give the kid two ones, whoops, 

one of the ones was a ten, take back the two bills, give the kid a five, look in 

window behind me, one dollar bill, 



.a skateboard is locked up in the bowl section, a dad and his young daughter are 

approaching, the dad holds up his daughter, end scene, 



.a telepathic female radio host is leaving her job, not quitting, just walking 

away from a program in progress, she has something playing and is walking 

into a room, she can control the radio frequency with her mind and feels 

no need to be in the studio, 



.lady is in a room, a blue skinned alien with brown hair appears, the alien changes 

the appearance of his hair and beard several times, he's been wanting to meet 

with this lady for quite some time but just hasn't been able to, alien 

mentions the alpha male, end dream 



.a - power guy                             b - fat guy and trash can 

c - side of house                          d - overturned bench 


e - concrete skatepark                  f - locked up skateboard 

g - kid lying down, needs money 


h - me                                           i - money in window 

j - young girl and her dad             k - telepathic radio program host 

l - alien with blue skin 




.image below: brandy glass detail 




.image below: fat guy sitting by side of house detail 




.image below: blue skinned alien detail 







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