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  • dddurbfive

dream 14 dec 2023






.dream: in a hallway, artificial turf, wall of lockers in back, each locker has a large 

plastic insect as a handle, approach my locker, bottom row, third from right, 



.a lady is directing a group of people to do sprints in the hall, i'd like to do some 

sprints, ask the lady, she says i'm not wearing the right clothes, i have jeans on, 

end scene, 



.in house from elementary school, morning time, need to get ready for school, 

brother is sleeping in bed, i go into other room, screen, sausage cooking in 

kitchen downstairs, end dream 






.a - hallway                             b - artificial turf 

c - locker wall                          d - my locker 

e - people running                     f - lady directing people running 


g - me                                         h - some person 

i - brother in bed                         j - me 

k - room with screen                   l - sausage cooking in kitchen below 





.image below: sprints in hallway scene detail 





.image below: wall of lockers detail 





.image below: individual locker with insect handle detail 





.image below: house scene detail 







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