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  • dddurbfive

dream 13 nov 2023




. .

.dream: me eating, end scene,



.in a trailer, almost time to go to school, tying my left shoe, grey laces, right shoe

has white laces and is untied, as i'm tying left shoe i call out to lady, 'ready mom',

not really my mother, lady gets up and goes to door, i'm still not done tying

my shoes, end scene,



.in a room, on sleeping mat on floor, g.h in bed on my left, dog enters room, smells

me, end scene,



.walking in a trailer, two women at a table are talking about whatever it was that i

just did, i have no shirt on, sit on couch, put on a t-shirt, college something,

end dream



.a - me eating b - me tying shoes

c - lady who i think is mother

d - me on sleeping mat on floor


e - g.h in bed f - dog

g - two women talking about what i just did

h - me on couch, putting on t-shirt




.image below: shoes and laces detail







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