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  • dddurbfive

dream 13 mar 2024





.dream: outside, dark out, enter into a convenience store, go to magazine rack, pick 

out two sci-fi mags, free, get a can of food, hungry, go to counter, guy says two 

dollars, i pull out a dollar, pull out another one, end scene, 



.outside some military barracks, dark out, walking with a guy, usually i go 

around to the left, this time i go directly in the middle, confronted by a large 

gorilla, gorilla becomes a gorilla head, i smash the gorilla head, now 

i'm in charge, i'm now hanging from a round wooden table, end scene, 



.on a swing, friend's on the ground, i call m.s a cunt whore, i'm not serious, i 

really like her, e.s is talking on the phone to her dad, k.r, e.s is really upset 

about me calling m.s those horrible names, end scene, 



.in a room, several people are doing subtraction problems, i look over to the right, 

this guy has finished all his subtraction problems except for a couple, the 

unfinished one at top is five minus seven, he's confused, a ask him the difference 

between these two numbers, then the problem becomes six minus seven, end dream 



.a - going into a convenience store 

b - inside store                         c - magazine rack 


d - guy behind counter             e - military barracks 

f - alternate path i did not take 

g - gorilla                                  h - me hanging under table 


i - m.s                                        j - me on swing 

k - e.s on phone with k.r           l - people doing subtraction problems 

m - guy who i focus in on         n - me 




.image below: sci-fi magazines and dollar bills detail 




.image below: gorilla head detail 







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