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  • dddurbfive

dream 13 jan 2024





.dream: running on a beach, look up, four telephone wires, the second one from 

the top can be cut, i put three rocks on a log, a lady appears, asks me something about 

a rattlesnake, i say the snake can see all the people come into this particular beach area 

at the main entrance opening, end scene, 




.inside a house boat, in a vehicle, a lady says that this vehicle needs to be repaired 

but she was starting it in second gear, now i'm driving the vehicle, two people 

go to a lower area, say i should drive the vehicle down there, 



.i drive the vehicle down the step, testing out all the gears, there seems to be 

two reverse gears, also two spots for the third gear, for one of the third gear spots 

you just push the stick shift straight down, for the other third gear spot, you pull the 

shifter back, top of shifter is like green jello, end scene, 



.in a dark room with g.h, we take turns poking each other with a plastic sword, end scene, 



.sitting on the side of a road, wheat, flight restriction, australia, end dream 



.a - four telephone wires                         b - second wire can be cut 

c - rocks on log                                       d - me and lady 


e - main entrance to beach area              f - inside a house boat 

g - me in vehicle                                      h - two people 


i - driving vehicle in lower area              j - shift stick with green handle top 

k - me and g.h and plastic sword             l - me on side of road, wheat 





.image below: telephone wires detail 




.image below: manual transmission shift stick detail 




.image below: plastic sword detail 







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