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  • dddurbfive

dream 12 feb 2024





.dream: in a restaurant booth, plant in corner of booth, a climbing lizard is trying to 

climb up the plant, difficult, finally the climbing lizard gets near top of plant, grabs onto 

something, it's a dead lemur, lizard falls off plant, i catch lizard on the back of my right hand, 



.grey blanket and ticks on seat, beetles on table, i smash a beetle, get up, go to bathroom, 

looking in mirror, beetle blood on my blue t-shirt, end dream 



.a - me in restaurant booth                 b - plant 

c - climbing lizard and dead lemur 


d - grey blanket and ticks                   e - beetles on table 

f - bathroom mirror                             g - beetle blood on my shirt 




.image below: climbing lizard dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: climbing lizard and beetle blood on blue t-shirt detail 







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