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  • dddurbfive

dream 12 dec 2023






.dream: in a room with c.l, we push a blue chair up against another blue chair, then our 

faces get real close and we almost kiss, end scene, 



.enter into my room, jerk off and ejaculate in the trash can, need to get ready for school, 

guy (b.r) enters room, i go into closet, white shorts, need to get to class for 

military language school, new language, end scene, 




.in a hallway, several people standing around, a guy is trying to long jump to the elevator 

on the right, he keeps trying and trying, finally he makes it, all the people go down in the 

elevator, i stay in the hallway with a lady (e.r), end scene, 




.paper plate, there was a bunch of fried rice on it but all the fried rice got eaten, end dream 





.a - two blue chairs                             b - me and c.l 

c - my room, shared                           d - door 

e - trash can                                        f - closet 


g - b.r by bed                                      h - hallway 

i - people go down in elevator            j - guy practicing long jump 

k - paper plate 




.image below: elevator long jump scene detail 





.image below: two blue chairs and paper plate detail 







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