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dream 11 oct 2023


. .


. on a moving train car, see i guy i recognize (s.k), s.k comes over and lies down by me,

talking with s.k, he retired from the navy, i ask him if he made chief, no, first class, s.k

says that there are no chiefs, i chuckle, says he served his entire tour on the sub

we both served on, i start to talk about my life,




.tell s.k about my time in college, look out window, two guys engaged in a tournament

style karate match, guy in white uniform has guy in black uniform in a leg lock, white

uniform guy bends the leg of black uniform guy, black uniform guy turns around and

is standing normal,




.now i'm off the train car, talking to some people who look familiar, ladies (e.r) and (e.n),

talking about my time overseas and how it didn't go well,




.look over to my right, old grey dog, dog's snout has decayed and fallen off, this dog

will be needed, i reattach the dog's snout to it's face, reattachment goes well, check dog's

eyes, right eye is ok but left eye is essentially blind, i try and make the fur on its head

regrow, fur regrow goes ok, then i try and restore sight to dog's left eye, difficult,

the left eye is severely damaged, dog walks off, end scene,




.enter into a building, empty room, i stop and start to sing, announcing my arrival and

checking out the resonance of the space, a researcher lady walks by, i see some piece of

paper in a plastic cover, try and read it, a professor type guy enters room, gives me

some little paper something in a triangle plastic cover, i read it and then give it back,

end scene,




.standing up in front of several rows of chairs, one lady is being carried out by a group of

guys, she got so tired that she fell asleep, dream is ending, i can feel my conscious mind

returning, dream continues, i swear a bit, some tall lady of slavic origin is standing on my

left, she looks at me and thinks i'm from new york, i try and speak in an east coast accent,

not very good, end scene,




.in a classroom, front of class, lots of papers on counter, papers group together, little

sets of paper, lots of people in class, people are kind of just sitting around, i want to

give these people the papers so they have something to do, i tell everyone to get up and

come to the front and get some papers,




.people start lining up, i had out the papers to about three people, then an old lady comes up

and i give her a stack of red papers, more like cardboard, no, maybe not,

then i go to back of room, give some old lady back there the red papers, tell her that some

lady in front is going to need them,




.i look up front, some new person appears and the old lady is younger, now everyone is

sitting in groups and busy doing stuff, nothing more for me to do, i jump up and do

a back flip, spine aligns, do another back flip, try a front flip, fail, some people approach me,

end scene,



.--------------------------------------------eye rest--------------------------------------------------



.i the back hallway of a large building, some robot guard puppet is up on a high rafter,

i fly up to the robot guard puppet, robot begins to speak, says my birth year is in

nineteen eighty seven, wrong, then a lady appears behind the robot, i fly down to the





.a male green eyed security guard appears, this won't end well, when these guys appear the

dream usually ends pretty quick, then a female green eyed security guard appears, they're

out to get me, someone assists me up into body flight and i'm able to escape the

security guards and fly away,




.flying down the hallway of the building, look over to my left, some guy has some

grey something in front of his face and seems to want to grab my attention,

this guy is in a back area at a table with some other people, i fly over towards him,




.out in the hallway are several blue trash cans, i take one of the flat trash can lids and fly

in near the guy and hand it to him, then i turn around, get another trash can lid, this one

angled, go back to table, a lady has somehow got an entire trash can and is in the

process of deconstructing it, i hand the blue angled trash can lid to the guy, now

there are two flat lids where i had just given him one,




.so i hand the guy the angled lid and grab some little piece of plastic left over from the

lady's deconstruction of the trash can, turn around, give the piece of plastic to some guy

waiting in the hall, turn back around, the guy with the trash lids is holding something out

to me, a little grey plastic triangle container with something inside, seems to be

three colored beads inside,




.guy tells me 'this needs to stay together' or maybe 'this needs to stay working', i take the

container, do not open it and give it to the same guy in the hall, guy in hall goes away,

the guy who initially attracted my attention says 'bob good', i go away,




.flying in the hall, go to central intersection area and wait in corner, a japanese

security guard is near me, someone says something about PTSD, now an exit path

opens up, running backwards as fast as i can down the exit path, running backwards

with the occasional jump, i'm wearing socks and the floor is smooth marble so

traction isn't so good but i'm still able to maintain a fast speed,




.as i'm running backwards towards the exit, two very small and very fast north korean

twin women run past me and into the area i just left, they're older women, maybe in

their fifties or sixties, about three feet tall and incredibly fast, they'll likely make it

into the large building,




.then some lady approaches me, white skin, i kick her in the chest and she falls away,

another lady approaches, darker skin, i kick her in the chest as well, slightly different

kick angle, she falls over to my right but keeps coming at me, i grab her with

my arms and start to spin her around and around in front of me, using her as a

human shield,




.i'm able to exit the building, as i exit, some south korean women approach the exit hall i

just left, two large dark skinned american women prevent the south koreans from

entering but the north koreans have likely already penetrated the facility,

end dream



.a - moving train b - me and s.k

c - karate match (white uniform guy behind, black uniform guy in front)

d - e.r and e.n e - gray dog


g (low) - me singing in empty room

g (high) - researcher lady h - male professor

i - lady being carried away j - tall lady


k - me in classroom l - papers on counter

m - people lining up n - people working in groups

o - backflips p - failed front flip


q - high robot guard r - lady in rafters

s - green eyed security team t - trash cans in hall

u - guy who i give trash lids to v - guy in hall who gets plastic case


w - japanese guard x - speedy north korean twins

y - american and south korean women

z - exit to outside




.image below: hallway exit dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: grey dog whose snout i reattached detail





.image below: papers in plastic covering in empty room detail





.image below: classroom scene detail





.image below: robot guard and green eyed security team scene detail





.image set below: trash can trade scene detail




.a - rafters b - trash cans in hall

c - guy gets lids d - lady deconstructs entire trash can

e - guy gets small case f - japanese guard

g - hallway exit scene




.image below: trash can trade scene, sequential event detail




.a - me in hall by trash cans b - i grab flat lid

c - give flat lid to guy d - i get an angled lid

e - give angled lid to guy f - lady deconstructs trash can


g - plastic left over piece from deconstruction

h - some guy i - i take plastic piece

j - give piece to guy in hall k - guy has small triangle case


kb - i take triangle case l - give triangle case to guy in hall

m - guy in hall leaves n - hallway exit scene




.image below: two flat lids, one angled lid, one broke down trash can with left over piece of plastic and grey triangle container with colored beads detail





.image below: hallway exit scene detail




.a - japanese guard b - me running backwards

c - very fast north korean twin women


d - first lady i kick e - lady i kick and use as human shield

f - at least two south korean women

g - two american women

h - exit to outside





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