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  • dddurbfive

dream 11 nov 2023




. .

.dream: leaving a grocery store, just bought two big jugs of juice, cranberry and apple,

walking outside, juice is heavy, maybe i'll catch the bus, start to run, running

by a school, something under my left arm, large bag of gummy bears,




.keep moving, ladder down from school, in the grass, lady in black tights, other people,

i keep moving, end scene,




.three large brown dogs are loose, a lady with a red ball is trying to catch them,

she puts a sprinkler down in the grass, end dream



.a - grocery store b - me with juice

c - front of school d - realize i'm carrying gummy bears


e - ladder down from school f - people

g - lady with red ball h - three dogs

i - sprinkler




.image below: juice and gummy bears detail

..note: the cranberry juice had a thinner handle, end note





.image below: lady with red ball and three dogs detail







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