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dream 11 may 2024





.dream: ... 


.in a car with b.m and k.r, k.r driving, moving fast between two buildings, walkways 

between the buildings, first one is biggest, QUAD, it says, thinner and thinner walkways, 

last thing is a large hanging birdcage, reads 'french cuisine', 



.parked in a cart now, two guy in there with me, looking at a wooden plaque, 

three long dinosaurs, we passed two on the way, did not pass the third one, 



.a bunch of senators are eating lunch in a small room in front of me, lots of 

representatives eating behind me, a senator comes out from the room, tells me 

i'm thirty minutes early, 



.i get out of cart, put on light brown leather boots, good fit, 



.some guy tells me to take the refund while paying, twenty dollar fee with 

a six dollar refund, i go over to cashier lady, 



.at cashier, two women paying in front of me, end dream 



.a - on a bus with people 

b - stairs up to airplane                         c - in car with b.m and k.r, k.r driving 


d - driving fast between two buildings 

e - walkways between buildings           f - french cuisine birdcage 


g - room with senators and representatives eating lunch 

h - stairs up                                            i - me and two guys in cart 

j - senator tells me i'm early 


k - put on leather boots                           l - cashier lady 

m - me 

n - two women 




.image below: on the way to the senators' cafe 




.image below: thirty minutes early 




.image below: boots 




.image below: cashier 







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