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dream 11 jan 2024





.dream: in a driveway, j.k is pulling out in a car, i lean over a rail to make room, end scene, 



.enter into a room, three beds, i go into middle bed, school is out so no one will 

be here, i have the bed to myself, tv in room, end scene, 



.eating food from a tray, i ate food from same tray yesterday, full, food for one more 

day as well, so this tray had enough food for three days on it, the kitchen staff keeps 

making food, i can't eat that much, the kitchen staff is making too much food, one 

tray will last for three days, 



.now i'm eating a huge orange, a car drives by behind me, end dream 



.a - j.k in car                             b - me 

c - three beds                            d - i get into middle bed 


e - tv                                          f - me eating from tray of food 

g - eating orange                       h - car behind me 




.image below: three beds scene detail 




.image below: huge orange detail 







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