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  • dddurbfive

dream 11 dec 2023






.dream: grab a black cat from a trough ledge, now i'm in the park, doing body 

weight rows on a bar, cat is between my legs, i start lifting up my entire body, 

cat is freed, i help undo its claws from my pants, cat is now hungry, 



.some guy across the way is watching me, i reach down into a yellow bag of dog 

treats on my left, give some to cat, dog treats are orange and grey and white, the 

treats i give cat end up being mostly orange and white, end dream 




.a - cat on troughed (trough) ledge 

b - me                                         c - black cat 

d - guy                                        e - dog treats 




.image below: black cat detail 





.image below: dog treats detail 







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