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dream 10 dec 2023






.dream: looking at my computer charging cable, one small connection is very 

specialized, shaped like a little bell, end scene, 



.in dining room of house from high school, mother on my left, a small car drives 

into room, a lady is in car and can't get out, says she doesn't have a key to 

get out in our house, mother opens up door on car and goes out into garage, 



.lady gets out of car, lady is completely naked except for a clear plastic bag around 

her waist, i lay her down and start to have sex with her, mother and brother 

are coming inside from garage, 



.i slide on the floor with the lady dragging behind me and go behind a wall, 

end dream 





.a - computer charging cable                     b - specialized connection 

c - dining room from house from high school 


d - kitchen area                                          e - mother 


f - lady in car                                              g - mother goes out to garage 

h - me and lady having sex                         i - mother and brother 

j - me hiding behind wall with lady under me 





.image below: specialized little bell shaped connection on computer charging cable detail 







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