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  • dddurbfive

dream 09 nov 2023




. .

.dream: people playing four square behind a wooden fence, i'm just leaning against

the fence, leader guy calls me out, throws a yellow four square ball at me, i hold out

my hand, ball bounces off my hand,




.some lady enters area, lies under me, the fingers of our right hands are interlocked,

lady keeps pushing me back and forth on top of her like she wants me to have sex with

her, end scene,




.wake up in an unknown bedroom, go into other room, white board, DHS is written in

red in upper left corner, i go back into bedroom and make a phone call,

'hello, department of homeland security, i'd like to make a compliment' i say,

end dream



.a - four square court b - guy with yellow ball

c - some lady d - roof

e - bedroom f - white board

g - i make a phone call on bed




.image below: yellow four square ball and corner of white board detail







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