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  • dddurbfive

dream 09 jan 2024





.dream: in my bathroom, lots of poop behind the door, in a hallway now, guy approaches, i 

tell him i need to clean up the bathroom, end scene, 



.approach a library counter, lady behind counter, cruise missile book, i check out the 

book under my roommate's name, go into room, glass door to porch has a shim in 

the handle, roommate on porch, he's on the phone, 



.person on phone tells him about the book, i forgot to tell him, trying to talk to 

him but he's on the phone, not wearing a shirt, me neither, roommate goes out 

into hall, end scene, 



.i float up some concrete stairs outside, float back down them, two women in a 

building, end dream 



.a - me in bathroom                         b - sink 

c - poop behind door                       d - me and guy in hallway 


e - librarian                                      f - cruiser missile book 

g - me                                               h - room 


i - same book on table                      j - shim in door to porch 

k - roommate on porch                     l - hall 

m - two women in building              n - stairs 





.image below: cruise missile book dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: shim in glass door handle and cruise missile book detail 







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