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  • dddurbfive

dream 09 feb 2024





.dream: in a room with c.l, hat and turquoise stone, i put hat on her head, she 

throws the stone, like a game, end scene, 



.walking down some stairs, guy at bottom, guys in room on right locating clams, 

i move along, basement area, r.d approaches, mentions something about puerto rico, 

i go over to couch area, navy poopy suit uniform, mine, looking for a white t-shirt, 

can't find one, pick up a dirty one off the floor, 



.go over to large sink, plastic container full of water, dead slug and olives in 

container, end dream 



.a - me                                 b - c.l 

c - hat                                  d - turquoise stone 


e - stairs down                     f - guy 

g - guys locating clams       h - r.d 

i - me                                   j - couches 


k - navy uniform                  l - clothes on floor 

m - large sink                       n - slug and olives in plastic container of water 




.image below: locating clams dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: hat and stone detail 




.image below: dirty white t-shirt and plastic container with water, slug and olives detail 







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