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  • dddurbfive

dream 08 mar 2024





.dream: enter into a room, guy playing ping pong, ball goes over by a couch, end scene, 



.sitting in an industrial area with a bunch of homeless guys, watching a movie, movie shows 

some of the same homeless guys when they were younger, a guy stands up, moves his arm 

in a circle indicating we're to go for a walk, 



.walking in a metal shop type area, aggressive young guy, exit area, i loop back around, 

all the doors are locked now, try and open them, no success, i make some hooting 

sounds, a fat guy appears, aggressive, i back up, fat guy says he records all his 

movements on my device, 



.now i'm on the side of a large cylinder, perhaps a cooling tower, the fat guy is 

over on my right on some kind of plant ledge, i go over to fat guy, he's a bee now, 

i drop the bee down below in the grass, i drop down into grass, 



.homeless people in grass, the bee is now flying around and stinging all the people, 

finally one guy has to rip the flesh off of three of four people's hands before he 

can catch the bee and bite it's head off, i enter into a dark entryway, end scene, 



.in the lower floor of a large building, a lady with pink hair goes into the 

stairwell going up, i follow her, in the stairwell, lady above me, guy appears, i 

exit stairwell, holding a skateboard, the guy comes down from stairs, a 

new guy appears, goes over to punching bag, i sit down with some 

red pastel crayons, drawing dream sketches from the previous dream scene, end dream 



.a - ping pong table                             b - couch 

c - homeless people in industrial area 


d - aggressive kid in work shop           e - doors locked now 

f - fat guy, aggressive                           g - large cylinder 

h - fat guy becomes a bee                     i - homeless people getting stung by bee 


j - dark entryway                                   k - lady in stairs 

l - guy                                                    m - other guy at punching bag 

n - me writing notes in red 




.image below: angry stinging bee dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: large cylinder and plant ledge detail 




.image below: red sketches from dream made while still dreaming detail 







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