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  • dddurbfive

dream 08 dec 2023






.dream: on a ferry boat, moving across water in british columbia canada, houses on the shore 

on the left, end scene, 



.enter into submarine galley, i go to back of room, squat down on back wall, j.a eating on 

my right, he leaves to go stand watch, i sit on seat on left, n.v on my left, talking with 

n.v, eating chicken in sweet teriyaki sauce, n.v reenlisted and is coming up on his 

third tour of duty, i got out after my first, two pm something, teaching something, end dream 



.a - ferry boat                                 b - water 

c - houses in british columbia canada 

d - submarine galley                      e - j.a 

f - me                                              g - n.v 




.image below: plate of chicken in sweet teriyaki sauce detail 







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