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  • dddurbfive

dream 08 apr 2024





.dream: in a yard, guy, two black gymnast rings, we throw them back and forth, end scene, 



.cat eating ice cream, i eat some as well, end scene, 



.enter into a house, a lady has washed my clothes, end scene, 



.in a room, kid, his parents are dead and he wants to go meet them, three boxes, each 

one can generate a different insect, i choose the dark red lady bug, open box, 

cables and parts, 



.guy instructs me to connect the pieces, plug it into socket in wall, not a good fit, 

cord is normal but outlet on wall has the prongs slots in a vertical orientation,


squeeze the red trigger handle, lady bug appears, bug crawls onto guy's hand, 

something is wrong, expected outcome not achieved, maybe we should try another 

bug, end dream 



.a - me                         b - guy and black rings 

c - me                           d - ice cream 


e - cat                            f - my clothes in house 

g - lady                          h - kid 

i - window                     j - lady bug generator and electrical outlet 

k - me 




.image below: two black gymnast rings and cat eating ice cream detail 





.image set below: lady bug generating device detail 



.a - three boxes, insect generating options 

b - option chosen                                 c - electrical outlet in wall 


d - lady bug generator device              e - plug in cord 

f - middle section                                


g - front cord section with large red trigger handle 

h - lady bug generated from 'd' 







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