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dream 07 oct 2023


. .


. outside my apartment building, driving a green van, turn right, empty parking spaces,

turn right again, more parking spaces, some cars here, main road up ahead, i stop

van, would like to turn right on the main road, tunnel entrance is




.waiting, cars are going too fast, no break in traffic, i turn around, park van, end scene,



.in a room, lady sitting in front of a mirror, she's looking at some receipts real closely,

she has a check for ten dollars and some other something for two hundred some

dollars, this two hundred dollar one surprises her, looks like a withdrawal,




.one her mirror is a little cut out picture, seems to be of the central bridge section of

a toy model ship i built a while back, lady asks me the date it was made i say

nine sixteen, maybe seventeen, lady asks me the name, i have to think, end scene,



.in a dark side room with friend (k.r), looking through my computer stuff, end scene,



.in a room, just woke up, with some guy, we're walking towards the door in our

underwear, i pause, tell the guy that we need to take everything that we need

with us when we leave, we go back to center of room, sleep a bit,




.i wake up, preparing all my stuff, i'd like to have my computer stuff with me, brown

paper bags and toilet paper on floor, my backpack is gone, i double bag

two paper bags, getting ready to put my computer stuff in there, pick up

some large black mattress cover, it's all unzipped and is cumbersome,

end dream



.a - apartment building b - parking spaces

c - cars on main road and tunnel entrance

d - park van e - lady and mirror


f - receipts g - me with computer stuff

h - k.r i - me and guy in room

j - door k - bags, toilet paper and computer stuff




.image below: driving van scene detail





.image below: cut out picture on lady's mirror detail





.image below: packing up my stuff in room scene detail






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