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  • dddurbfive

dream 07 mar 2024





.dream: in a building on a military base, upper floor, standing with female base commander 

and her assistant, a male base commander from a different base is below and visiting, 

'aren't you gonna say hi' i say, the female base commander and her assistant go 

down to greet the visiting male base commander, 



.the male commander salutes the female commander, she returns the salute, they 

shake hands, 



.i'm to give some presentation on valves, looking in a white binder, the particular page 

with the presentation info i'm supposed to give is missing, i'm looking through 

the white binder, end dream 



.a - military building on base 

b - me on upper floor                         c - visiting male commander from other base 


d - female base commander and assistant 

e - looking in notebook, page missing 




.image below: dream map detail 




.image below: white binder detail 







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