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  • dddurbfive

dream 07 jan 2024





.dream: go down a ladder, on a submarine, looking at some pipes, seems like 

some water may need to be added to the reactor system, turn around, more 

pipes, i should operate a pump to add water, 




.go over to some more pipes, two crew members appear (j.a and k.p), i go 

over by some stairs, a junior officer is getting ready for his qualification 

board but he hasn't done any of the reading, 




.i'm looking for a manual on the pump, small metal shelf, four thin sheets of 

metal on front, i start to peel back the metal sheets, 



.now i'm upstairs and eating at a table, possibly scrambled eggs, end dream 



.a - ladder                                 b - me 

c - submarine pipes                  d - submarine pipes behind me 


e - more submarine pipes          f - sub crew members (j.a, k.p) 

g - stairs                                     h - junior officer 

i - engineering manuals             j - me eating upstairs 





.image below: submarine dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: junior officer by stairs detail 







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