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  • dddurbfive

dream 07 apr 2024





.dream: two white suburbans on the road, i'm on the hood of the lead vehicle, k.s driving, 

n.s and his siblings, mother is driving rear vehicle, brother and more of n.s's siblings, 



.driving in a beach town, stop, some issue with the light k.s says, moving again, 

come into a camp site area, sign on right reads 'occupied', i get off hood of car, 



.camp site guy comes to talk to me, asks if it's just me, i say no, start listing off people, 

about eight of us, end dream 



.a - white suburban in lead                     b - me on hood 

c - white suburban in rear                       d - stopped, light issue 


e - enter camp site                                  f - camp site 

g - 'occupied' sign                                   h - me 


i - camp site worker guy 

j - building 




.image below: two white suburbans and camp site sign detail 







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