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dream 06 may 2024





.dream: dark outside, driving my truck, stop, get out, auto repair shop, closed, 

get back into truck, 



.visual movement on a road, light out, low red wall on right, seven eleven 

store on left, latino influence, end scene, 



.in a building, sitting on floor, kids on counter in front of me, lots of kids, lady is 

getting married in back room, that's why me and the kids are here, lady wants kids to 




.one kid has his foot in my lap, kid moves, some girl puts her foot in my lap, 

moves, yarn poop between my legs, the kids want to attend the wedding in back 

room, some lady on the left calls my name, i move left, military uniform shop above, 

end scene, 



.a red haired kid with a hotdog bun is crossing the street, takes a bite out of bun, 

climbs up a dirt hill, uses the bun as a looking glass, end scene, 



.two guys are force feeding a guy olives and chestnuts, diet comment, end scene, 



.review of force feeding scene, a superhero guy with a sword stabs some guy in 

the eye, moves his hand, like nothing happened, end dream 



.a - my truck                                 b - auto repair shop 

c - low red wall 


d - seven eleven store                    e - back room wedding 

f - lady getting married 

g - me                                             h - kids on counter 


i - lady calls my name 

j - military uniform shop 

k - dirt hill                                       l - kid with hotdog bun 


m - guy being force fed                    

n - olives                                          o - chestnuts 

p - review of force feed scene 

q - superhero guy with sword 




.image below: low red wall and seven eleven 




.image below: kids on counter 




.image below: kid on hill 




.image below: force feeding 







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