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  • dddurbfive

dream 06 mar 2024





.dream: running backwards down a hill, hamburger joint and metal newspaper 

boxes on the left, end scene, 



.approach a house, guy inside knitting a scarf, i go past him, at another door, 

guy getting into the shower, my blanket is in the door, end scene, 



.enter a room, lady in back left corner, brother on bunk bed is playing a video 

game, tv screen, like a race car game, timer is counting up, point of game 

is to try and pause the game and the given time interval, last number is 

seven point one one seconds, brother pauses game close to given time, end scene, 



.in a bathroom, j.c and guy near the door, holding my pants, scab on pants, i peel 

it off, seems to be healing ok, dirt on the waist band on back side of pants, end dream 



.a - running backwards down a hill 

b - hamburger joint                         c - metal newspaper boxes 


d - guy knitting scarf                       e - guy getting into shower 

f - lady in room                                g - brother on bunk bed, video game 


h - tv screen                                      i - me in bathroom, scab on pants 

j - j.c and person 




.image below: scarf being knit detail 




.image below: video game screen and scab pants detail 







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