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  • dddurbfive

dream 05 oct 2023


. .


. in a room with a guy (t.n), we're roommates but don't really talk, finally i ask him what

he likes to talk about, t.n starts telling me a long story, i can't really follow but

seems like something about when he went to dinner at someone's house,




.finally he gets to a funny part of the story and gets up on his knees on the bed, i

laugh to be polite even though i can't really follow what he's saying, end scene,




.upstairs with t.n at a table, some lady comes over, she's self conscious about her fingernails

on her left hand and is wearing a purple latex glove, she takes off the glove, yellow

marks on her nails,




.i tell her that i sometimes burn my finger nails with incense to help with blood flow and

circulation, i recommend she try it, i have two sticks of incense in my hand that just

burned out, i get up to throw them away, tv screen on it the back of the room,

three women on the screen, 'we're still here' one lady on the screen says,

i throw away the used incense,

end dream



.a - guy (t.n) on bed b - me

c - table upstairs d - t.n

e - me f - lady with purple glove

g - incense h - women on tv




.image below: lady's left hand and purple latex glove detail





.image below: ends of two sticks of burnt incense detail






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