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  • dddurbfive

dream 05 mar 2024





.dream: in a dentist's office, bed, lady, air gun thing, end scene, 



.on a covered porch, empty concrete pool below, there's gonna be a race in the 

pool, i'll be a judge, a kid is skating, i skate as well, nose manuals, end scene, 



.people in a car office, lady, people leave, i approach lady, touch her hand, take her 

around to other side of office, sit in chair, put her on top of me, sex, end scene, 



.a guy is having sex on some pullout bleachers on an indoor basketball court, 

i'm lying on a rug with a boner, i almost cum, not quite, end dream 



.a - dentist's office                     b - me and lady 

c - air gun thing                         d - empty concrete pool 


e - me and kid skateboarding on covered porch 

f - me outside car office             g - lady 

h - people leave office                i - me and lady, sex 


j - people having sex in pull out bleachers on indoor basketball court 

k - me on rug with boner 




.image below: dentist's office air gun dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: air gun thing in dentist's office detail 







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