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  • dddurbfive

dream 05 feb 2024





.dream: pouring water from a pot, end scene, 



.in a room, lady walks by in hall, i think of the tagalog word for ankle, large hornet 

on the floor, end scene, 



.lying on the ground outside, looking at a mountain, flying craft above, massive dust cloud 

comes at me, end scene, 



.in a room, several potted peppers, i eat some of the pepper flesh, pick a good sized 

green pepper, picking out the dirt, finish cleaning out the dirt, now the pepper is a 

hat, a kid wants his hat, i give it to him, other kids on the right, i leave area, 



.small bedroom, blue blanket, i wrap it around me, go into larger room, e.w in 

this room, she mentions an interruption, i approach her, she asks me if i did 

some drawing, i touch her hand, she responds, i touch her entire body then lift 

her up, she mentions shampoo and nervous endings, then she kisses my mouth, 

end dream 



.a - pot with water                             b - me 

c - lady in hall                                   d - large hornet on floor 


e - mountain                                      f - flying craft 

g - dust cloud                                    h - potted peppers 


i - me                                                 j - kids 

k - kid i give hat to                            l - small bedroom 

m - blue blanket                                 n - e.w 





.image below: large hornet detail 




.image below: dust cloud detail 




.image below: pepper to hat detail 




.image below: blue blanket detail 







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