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  • dddurbfive

dream 04 oct 2023


. .


. eating noodles at a round table, several korean guys eating at table as well, i finish

with noodles, a lady comes in, she's starts serving left overs, i feel weird about eating

her left over food so i do not,




.the korean guys don't feel weird at all and eat the food she serves, i leave table, go

into kitchen area, go to sink, drink the noodle broth, start to wash my dishes, some

guy grabs me by the back of my neck and tells me i shouldn't wash my own dishes,

i wash them anyways,




.my old korean teacher (d.c) enters room and is curious about my odd behaviour,

'two cartoons' he says in english, then he tries to get me to speak korean

but i haven't spoken it in a long time and forget a lot, but i say



.' 하나 eat 는 bob 이ㅂ 니 다 ',



.which means nothing and is a bunch of crap, d.c starts laughing so hard that he

falls down on his hands and knees, then the lady who was serving leftovers comes

into the kitchen and she's like a giant hologram face, end scene,




.riding my push scooter up university avenue, looking for the korean food restaurant i

was just at, passing by a bunch of restaurants on my right, korean food place is the

last one, some guy orders something, i say i'd like the chicken noodle dish that

i had before but don't see it on the menu anymore,




.worker guy asks me if i want chicken kebobs, i say ok, guy puts a wooden stick into a plate

of chicken, i move aside, waiting for my order, i'm kind of wiggling along on my scooter,

end dream



.a - round table b - me eating noodles

c - korean guys d - lady serving left overs

e - kitchen sink f - guy grabbing back of my neck


g - d.c h - huge hologram face

i - me on push scooter j - university ave


k - restaurants l - korean restaurant

m - plate of cooked and sliced chicken

n - guy who orders ahead of me




.image below: noodle scene detail





.image below: huge hologram face of lady who served leftovers detail





.image below: university ave scene detail





.image below: plate of chicken detail






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