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dream 04 may 2024





.dream: high school classroom, i came here to meet g.h, a.k is substitute teaching, map 

making lesson, a.k is explaining all about how to make maps, known locations, new 




.a.k then starts to make an example world map, chooses three countries near 

equator, labels them E, A, and B, then he has students tell him names of 

countries, writes them on board in blue ink with red, 



.lesson finishes, good lesson, not very interactive, no activities or group work, 



.kid comes over to me with colored pencils, g.h has left, need to call my mom 

for a ride, ask for his phone, i leave with kid, 

walking out of room, high school students at tables on either side wiggling 

their cell phones, end dream 



.a - high school classroom 

b - a.k teaching                         c - me 


d - g.h                                       e - class ends 

f - kid with colored pencils 


g - leaving 

h - high school students with their phones 




.image set below: map making lesson 



.a - known locations on map 

b - new location to be mapped 


c - establishing relation between new and known locations 

d - angle, depends on map projection 




.image below: world map example 




.image below: leaving with kid 







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