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  • dddurbfive

dream 04 mar 2024





.dream: some afghan students are coming up a hill, chanting some religious prayers, end scene, 



.a guy is riding a skateboard cart down a hall, left wheel comes apart, check prices on 

wall, end scene, 



.eating chicken with the afghan students, lots of chicken on one plate, a kid tells me 

my skateboards are in the kitchen, i go into kitchen, end scene, end scene cluster, 



.in a hospital, window, guy approaches me, i ask if i'm on the base, he says yes, 

ask if this window is in the psych building, yes again, i go over to an operating room, 

surgeon has brown glasses, i ask him how many times he's cut me open, he 

says at least three, some kind of organ harvest, surgeon mentions arm butter and 

soy sauce, 



.surgical tray, two big pieces of meat, bone and muscle, i touch my finger to meat, 

lick finger, tastes like BBQ sauce, go over to other piece of meat, some guy there, 

people crowd around me, end dream 



.a - me                                   b - afghan students 

c - guy on skateboard cart 


d - picture on wall with prices 

e - people eating chicken      f - me 

g - lots of chicken on one plate 


h - me in kitchen                   i - two girls 

j - my skateboards in bag      k - window in hospital 


l - me and guy                        m - operating table 

n - surgeon                              o - me 

p - surgical tray with meat 




.image below: chicken on plate and skateboard cart wheels detail 




.image below: meat on surgical tray detail 







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