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dream 04 feb 2024





.dream: parked in van by beach, i'm in the back seat, g.h in front of me, mother in 

driver's seat, an interesting hawk flies by, i tell g.h that i jumped in the water and swam, 

he didn't see me, i mention that i prefer swimming laps in a pool, mother looks back at me, 

end scene, 



.a short lady with a big head is by a hut, her husband travels back in time to 

be with her, they kiss, end scene, 



.a pregnant woman is being carried on a blanket by several men, upon closer inspection this 

woman is a conjoined twin with two pregnant stomachs, the stomach on the right has 

a healthy child in it, the stomach on the left is filled with a fleshy puss that one of 

the guys is pulling out from her body, end dream 



.a - water at beach                                 b - interesting hawk 

c - me in van                                          d - g.h 


e - mother                                               f - short lady (left) and her husband (right)

g - pregnant conjoined twins 




.image below: short woman and man kissing detail 




.image below: pregnant conjoined twins detail 







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