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  • dddurbfive

dream 03 oct 2023


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. driving my honda from college, going to a golf course, i hear there's some kind of

beginners mini-golf session, turn into golf course driveway, hill then a fence,

pull up to the fence, the hill is so steep that my car is nearly vertical, call box on the





.lady comes out, i tell her about the beginners session i heard about, lady says i'm

mistaken, 'this is a sophisticated golf course' she says, 'maybe you delivered heads here

before' she says, i back up, turn back onto road, going back the way i came,




.skatepark is near by, i'll stop by since i'm here, turn left onto larger road, i'm driving on the

wrong side of the road, i don't remember this much traffic here before, i drive one wheel

up on the sidewalk as to not get hit by oncoming traffic, some guy in a white van

with a cowboy hat on stops in front of me to let me turn left into the skatepark,




.turn into skatepark, concrete ramps, people skating, i accidentally drive my car into the

skating area, two guys, one in a yellow shirt, go off a jump in front of me, i start to

back my car up, some kid sitting on some steps behind me, these steps and this

kid weren't here when i pulled in,

end dream



.a - side road b - entrance to golf course

c - fence d - call box

e - lady f - driving on sidewalk

g - oncoming traffic on main road


h - guy in white van in cowboy hat

i - skatepark j - concrete ramps

k - guys skating l - me in car

m - kid on steps




.image below: golf course and skatepark dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: entrance to golf course detail





.image below: guys skateboarding at skatepark detail






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