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dream 03 dec 2023





. .dream: guy with a skateboard walking in a field with a monkey man, fence, other

monkey men on other side of fence, end scene,



.walk down some stairs, giant t-rex dinosaur, i put my right hand in

its mouth, between the lips and teeth, end scene,



.go down into basement area, two beds, one empty, g.h sleeping in other bed,

table, i leave room, end scene,



.lady has a shirt on with no sleeves, shoulders exposed, now lady has sleeves on

her shirt and rolls them back to reveal her shoulders, end scene,



.in a moving vehicle, going to a summer camp area, lady and kid in military

uniforms on left outside, driver stops and revs engine several times, continues





.outside, standing by picnic table, guy is giving out room assignments, i'm in

building one thirty one, room one one three B, i move along, going down stairs,

open oven door, oven is on, guy is singing,




.go to door on left, bathroom, some guys hold the door shut, cannot enter,

go to door on right, bedroom, two guys talking, i push one guy aside, enter

bedroom, guy in bedroom, i go out into hall, look back at door, guy is

pushing his key through key hole, 'wack their dicks' he yells out to me,




.walking down hall, large building, mirror wall at end of hall, find my

room number, i have three other roommates, four man room,

end dream



.a - guy with skateboard b - monkey men

c - fence d - large t-rex dinosaur

e - empty bed f - g.h in bed


g - table h - lady's shoulders exposed

i - lady's shoulders uncovered j - in a moving vehicle

k - lady and kid, military uniforms l - guy at outside table, room assignments


m - guy singing n - oven door

o - stairs down p - bathroom entry, denied


q - bedroom entry r - guy puts key through key hole

s - hallway t - mirror wall

u - my room number





.image below: guy with skateboard and monkey men scene detail





.image below: t-rex detail





.image below: t-rex detail, alternate scale representation





.image below: looking back at key hole and key detail







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