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  • dddurbfive

dream 02 feb 2024





.dream: in a reclining chair, looking at a financial magazine, profit data, a guy on 

my right looks over at the magazine, in front of and below me a guy, b.o is starting 

a dish washer, end scene, 



.looking out a window, two skateboard riders roll by, end scene, 



.in a parking lot, on a mat, lock and cable around my neck, four cars are parked 

and locked up, two guys get in their cars and drive off, a lady is walking up 

to a white corvette, end dream 



.a - me with financial magazine 

b - some guy                         c - b.o and dish washer 


d - me at window                  e - two skateboard riders 

f - four cars, locked up          g - me on mat with lock 


h - two guys                           i - lady 

j - white corvette 




.image below: white corvette dream, alternate scale representation 




.image below: financial magazine profit data page detail 







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