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  • dddurbfive

dream 01 oct 2023


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. riding in a vehicle, going by some store fronts in a small shopping center, numbers on

the building, five four three two one, then the image of the head of a

teenage mutant ninja turtle, this ninja turtle head indicates an electrical cross, korea,

driver gets back onto road, end scene,




.in a home, i've been staying here as a guest, turn off the heaters in my room, some lady

tells me there's someone at the door, open door, naked young woman, she tells me

she owes someone fifty bucks and needs money to pay her debt, i refer her

to social services,




.lady turns around to leave, now she's clothed, wearing white and blue flower pattern jeans

that zip up the back, kid and white dog on porch, some lady with a baby enters my room,

says she's here to change the kid's diaper, lady walks around then goes and

sits on my bed and starts to change the baby's diaper,

end dream



.a - vehicle b - store fronts

c - numbers d - ninja turtle image

e - parking lot f - road


g - back on road h - room

i - heaters j - sink

k - naked lady l - coin on shelf


m - more shelves n - kid and dog on porch

o - lady changing baby's diaper on my bed




.image below: naked lady and baby diaper change dream, alternate scale representation





.image below: ninja turtle image representing electrical cross detail





.image below: lady changing baby's diaper scene detail






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