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dream 01 may 2024





.dream: maintenance guy in a bank with a viking helmet on, leaves bank, end scene, 


.in a classroom, kid goes into back room, lights go off, teacher in front, i grab tv remote, 

end scene, 



.glue on my sunglasses, i scrape it off with my thumbs, leave area, 


.heater on in hallway, i turn it down to forty eight, two guys leave a class, 

floating book, two guys go down in elevator to basketball court, i move along, 


.in a room, holding a measuring bowl full of liquid, pour liquid out in small 

sink, sink is clogged, some guys seem to unclog it, go into main kitchen area, 

sink here is clogged too, guys working, end dream 



.a - bank                             b - maintenance worker in viking helmet 

c - door to outside 


d - me in classroom         

e - kid goes in back            f - teacher 

g - tv remote on table 


h - tv

i - glue on my sunglasses 

j - heater on wall                k - two guys leave class


l - book                               m - two guys go down in elevator to basketball court 

n - me with measuring bowl 

o - small clogged sink         p - main kitchen sink, clogged 




.image below: viking helmet and tv remote 




.image below: sunglasses and heater on wall 




.image below: measuring bowl and clogged sinks 







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